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Egypt. J. Exp. Biol. (Bot.). 2012; 8(2): 285-295


Wesam A. Hassanein Nadia M. Awny Shimaa M. Ibraheim.


Lactococcus lactis from yoghurt sample was confirmed based on alignment of 16S rRNA gene sequence in gene bank. The degree of acid and bile tolerance of bacteria was evaluated. L. lactis KF147 was able to maintain viability for 2 h at pH 2 and to grow in a medium with 4,000 mg of bile acids per liter with maximum cholesterol reduction 66.8% from the liquid culture medium. The fatty acid composition of the cells of L. lactis KF147 was altered by reducing cholesterol from the media. IR analysis and Transmission electron microscope were detected the cholesterol binding activity between L. lactis KF147 and cholesterol. The resting and dead cells of L. lactis KF147 exhibited the cholesterol reducing activity 32.9 and 29.7%, respectively. According to these results, L. lactis KF147 has revealed the probiotic potential in hypocholesterolemic effect in rat.

Key words: Cholesterol binding, Cholesterol reduction, Hypocholesterolemic, Lactococcus lactis KF147, Probiotic

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