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IJHRS. 2015; 4(1): 10-18

Low Level Laser Therapy for the treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia after Oral surgeries: Two Different Applications

Intsar Waked; Asmaa Attalla; Marwa Eid.


Background: Trigeminal neuralgia is an inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, causing intense facial pain.
Objectives: The major purposes of this study were to evaluate the effect of laser therapy in Trigeminal neuralgia and to compare between different points of application.
Materials and Methods: Forty five patients suffering from trigeminal neuralgia post oral surgery were selected after initial evaluation and diagnosis, patients were randomly divided into three groups of equal number. (E1); received LLLT through trigger point application and (E2); received LLLT through nerve path application while Control group (C) received placebo LLLT. The intensity of pain was measured by numerical rating scale.
Results: The results of study showed that there were significant reduction of pain in experimental groups (E1& E2) with percentage of improvement 45% & 34% respectively more than control group (C).
Conclusion: LILT was more effective than placebo in trigeminal neuralgia and the trigger points application was superior to nerve path application.

Key words: Low level laser Therapy, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Numerical rating scale , Trigger point application.

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