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Sprinkler irrigation uniformity and crop water productivity of barley in arid region

Mohamed Abd El-Wahed, Ayman EL Sabagh, Hirofoumi Saneoka, Abdelaziz Abdelkhalek, Celaleddin Barutçular.

Cited by 20 Articles

An investigation has been organized To study the effect of the sprinkler irrigation system design on irrigation uniformity and its impact on barley crop yield and crop water productivity (CWP). The spring irrigation operating pressures (P) were 200 kPa (P1), 250 kPa (P2) and 300 kPa (P3). The sprinkler riser heights were 100 cm (H1), 125 cm (H2) and 150 cm (H3) from the ground. The results demonstrated that the maximum values of coefficient of uniformity (CU) and distribution uniformity (DU) (91.37 % and 0.85, respectively) were obtained at P3H3, while the minimum values (78.21 % and 0.71, respectively) were obtained at P1H1.Under P3H3 treatment, the highest values of 5.50 t ha-1 and 63.49 cm of grain yield (GY) and barely plant height (PH), respectively were recorded. The highest CWP value (0.75 kg m-3) was obtained when the P3H3 treatment was applied, while the lowest yield (0.36 kg m-3) was recorded under P1H1 treatment. According to the results of this experiment, under Sebha environmental conditions and similar regions, it is recommended to operate the solid set sprinkler irrigation system at P3H3 to obtain the highest CU and DU and consequently the highest GY, PH and CWP.

Key words: Arid regions, Barely, Crop water productivity, Sprinkler irrigation uniformity

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