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AAM. 2015; 4(1-2): 18-23

Experimental Evaluation of Oestrogenic activity of Rajahpravartini vati - A Herbo-mineral formulation

Bhagyalakshmi B R, Keshava D V, Shobha G Hiremath, Pradeep K Prajapati.


Background:“Rajahpravartini vati” (RPV) is a classical Herbo-mineral formulation indicated for Ammenorrhoea and Dysmenorrhoea.
Objectives: To evaluate Rajahpravartini vati for oestrogenic activity using rat models of uterotrophic bio-assay.
Materials and Method: Immature female rats were randomly divided into five groups as control, standard and three different dose levels of RPV (1/2TED[therapeutic Eqvivalent Dose], TED, 2TED). All these groups were administered with respective medicines for seven consecutive days. Body weight, vaginal opening were noted everyday during the treatment. On the 8th day rats were sacrificed and uterus was collected. Wet and Dry uterine weights were taken. The obtained results were expressed as Mean ±SEM and unpaired “t” test was applied to compare the effect of test drug with control and standard groups.
Results: Results showed significant oestrogenic activity of RPV at all dose levels, however lower doses (1/2TED) showed highly significant oestrogenic activity in all parameters. Histo-pathologically the trail drug at low doses showed increased endometrial thickness when compared with control group suggesting oestrogenic activity.
Conclusion: Thus the trial drug RPV showed significant oestrogenic activity in all three dose levels better at low doses.

Key words: Oestrogenic activity, Rajahpravartini vati, uterine weight, Uterotrophic bioassay.

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