Long absence of national research body and national policy for research in Sudan are responsible for inefficient research system. This shaped and determined the main features of health research. Most of health research is done for academic purposes. It is fragmented and done in isolation within each research institution. There are no means of communication or coordination between numerous research and academic institutions involved in health research. Publication and dissemination of research findings is not well observed. Any national authority does not govern health research and even policies or regulations do not exit. Despite the early mentioned research activities, there is no obvious impact of research in health development in the country. A meticulous literature review and extensive consultations were made to build a comprehensive approach to conduct this work. This study was performed in Khartoum state and it focuses in mobile phone mast, Pylons cable, Electrosensitivity and EM radiation in 2008. The study investigated Public discussion about radiation is a frustrating mixture of truths, half-truths and conjectures. As a result, some people are being made to worry unnecessarily about electric fields from pylons and radiation from mobile phones and computers. The results of this paper were an increased incidence of leukaemia among children living next to pylons and other more recent studies have found a similar association. Psychologists have long known that worry and anxiety can lead to strong physical changes in the body and that seems to be what is happening to electrosensitives.
Key words: Radiation health effects, Mobile phone effects, Pylons cable, mobile phone masts, Electrosensitivity and EM Radiation.