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Assessing the opinions of subjects with or without sustained hand injury about toe-to-thumb transfer

Ismail Kucuker, Serhan Tuncer, Tolga Eryilmaz, Betul Ak, Hakan Bulam, Suhan Ayhan, Osman Latifoglu.


Introduction: Traumatic finger amputations may lead to significant functional and aesthetic impairment yet when compared with the number of finger amputations, toe-to-hand transplantation numbers are very low.
Material Method: In this study we aimed to assess the thoughts of healthy subjects, with or without previously sustained hand injury, about toe-to-hand transplantation and re-assess their thoughts following a brief informative description of the surgery.
Results: We found that after visual briefing, willingness to undergo toe-to-hand transplantation dramatically increased.
Conclusion: Visual briefings including video presentations have a great impact on eliminating negative prejudgement.

Key words: Toe-to-hand, toe-to-hand transplantation, finger amputation, hand surgery, microsurgery

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