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Efficacy and economics of certain new generation novel insecticides against legume pod borer, Maruca vitrata (Geyer) on pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.)

M Sreekanth, M S M Lakshmi, Y Koteswara Rao.

Cited by 20 Articles

Two field experiments were conducted during Kharif, 2010 and 2011 to find out economical control measures against legume pod borer, Maruca vitrata (Geyer) on pigeonpea. Experimental results showed that the per cent inflorescence damage due to Maruca was lowest in chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC (2.08%) and flubendiamide 39.35 SC (3.64%), followed by spinosad 45 SC (6.21%) as against control (31.18%) with 93.3, 88.3 and 80.1 per cent reduction over control respectively. Similarly, pod damage due to legume pod borer was lowest in chlorantraniliprole (4.30%), flubendiamide (6.03%) and Spinosad (8.80%) as against control (47.28%) with 90.9, 87.3 and 81.4 per cent reduction over control respectively. Highest grain yield was recorded in chlorantraniliprole treated plots (686.1 kg/ha) with 127.5 per cent increase over control, followed by flubendiamide (595.8 kg/ha) and spinosad (589.0 kg/ha) with 97.6 and 95.3 per cent increase over control (301.6 kg/ha) respectively. The cost effectiveness of chlorantraniliprole and flubendiamide was also high and very favorable with incremental cost-benefit ratios of 1: 4.64 and 1: 4.50 respectively, followed by indoxacarb (1: 3.67), emamectin benzoate (1: 3.13) and spinosad (1: 2.97).

Key words: Insecticides, Maruca vitrata, Pigeonpea and Legume pod borer

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