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Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2015; 26(Special): 1-13

A circumscribed treatment of inequality: Capital in the Twenty-First Century

Cem Somel.

Cited by 0 Articles

Capital in the Twenty-First Century by T. Piketty studies the history of income inequality in major core countries in the last two centuries. It provides useful historical information on the issue it focuses on. It is incoherent and deficient in its explanation of the dynamics of income inequality in the core countries.Its proposal to institute a global tax on capital is inapplicable. It defends policies that cause the problem of income inequality on the global scale.

Key words: Piketty, Inequality, Social Justice, Income, Capital, Capitalism, Capital in the Twenty-First Century. JEL Classification: D31, H24

Article Language: EnglishTurkish

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