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Review Article


Piyush Chaudhary, Neha Lamba, B L Mehra.


Abstract: Introduction: Vajikarana is one of the eight specialities of Ashtang Ayurveda dealing with the management of pathophysiology of spermatogenesis and healthy sexual potentiation. This aphrodisiac therapy is advocated for various sexual and reproductive disease i.e., Klaibya or Erectile dysfunctions, Bandhyatva or Infertility, Shukraghata Vata or azospermia and premature ejaculation. Vrishya, a synonym of Vajikara, is the technical term indicating spermatogenic and aphrodisiac effect of a dravya (foods, herbs, spices and Medicinal plants) including audio-visual, socio-religious effects/ sexual behaviour factors/ constants). Currently, the importance of this branch has increased manifold, as more and more people are reporting to clinics with various disorders related to seminal parameters and sexual dysfunction. Material and Methods: Various drugs mentioned under these therapies were searched including scientific data pertaining to their efficacy and probable mode of action. The search was limited to Ayurveda classics, books and published works from pubmed as well as non-pubmed indexed journals including google scholar database. The present review is mainly focussed on brihatryi (Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtang) for elaborate understanding of the concept of Vrishya and Vajikarana. The texts Sarangdhar Samhita and Bhavprakash Nighantu were searched for the drugs indicated as vrishya and vajikarana properties. Results: Analyses of the textual data revealed that Vrishya dravyas act as Vajikara also, but all Vajikara dravyas do not possess Vrishya property. This appears due to predominance of stimulant action on Sukravaha Samsthana in Vajikara dravyas while Vrishya has mainly quantitative and qualitative effect on Sukra. These drugs also act on higher centres of the brain which helps to alleviate anxiety associated with sexual performance as revealed by the published scientific data. Aphrodiasics also modulate the level of the pituitary hormones FSH and LH. The drugs possessing these properties have been tabulated in the text. Conclusion: Vajikarana is the therapy while Vrishya is the property (Karma) of the drug. Vrishya drugs are successful in treating conditions of reproductive disorders and sexual performance and they have an effect on pituitary-gonadal axis. Investigations in validation of these drugs will go a long way in management of infertility.

Key words: Aphrodisiac, Ayurveda, Medicinal Plants, Sukra, Vajikarana, Vrishya

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