Background: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is the most common known complication of exposure to mustard gas. Thus, all clinical guidelines have provided some recommendation for diagnosis, clinical management and treatment of this disease. Decision support systems are used to increase the acceptance of clinical guidelines. The purpose of this research is to develop a CDSS to determine the severity of COPD in chemical injured victims. Objectives: Development of a decision support system to determine the severity of COPD. Patients and Methods: First, the variables influencing to determining the severity of the disease was classified through studying the clinical guidelines. Then, the fuzzy model was implemented. To testing the system, the data from 50 patients were used. Results: the overall accuracy in determining the severity of the injury is equal to 92%, these indicators reflect the proper functioning of the system to assist the physician regarding the diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and determining its severity. Conclusions: The CDSS has efficient results and satisfactory performance. Although, the medical expert systems cannot be expected to provide 100 percent correct responses, however, they can be useful in the areas of patient management, diagnosis and treatment planning.
Key words: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Clinical Decision Support Systems, Fuzzy Logic, Military Trauma, Fuzzy system.