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Case Report

Successful Implantation of Bipolar Epicardial Leads and Dual Chamber Pacemaker in Infant After Postoperative Atrioventricular Heart Block

Edin Omerbasic, Ilirijana Haxhibeqiri Karabdic, Elnur Tahirovic.


Total atrioventricular (AV) block is inconvenient and serious complication of open heart surgery. Permanent total AV block requires the implantation of permanent pacemaker in order to allow normal hemodynamics and patient's survival. In infancy additional challenge is the surgical approach, the selection of electrodes and PM, as well as place of implantation. We are publishing case report of successful double-chamber DDD pacemaker implantation at an infant born with Fallot tetralogy and with low birth weight due to complete AV block after primary surgical correction of these congenital defects.

Key words: bipolar epicardial leads, dual chamber pacemaker, infants, postoperative atrioventricular heart block.

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