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RMJ. 2016; 41(1): 64-67

Prospective study on prevalence and risk factors of post natal depression in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, Pakistan .

Ghazala Sadiq, Zahra Shahzad, Shahzad Sadiq.


Objective: To determine prevalence of Post Natal depression in our part of the world; correlate risk with obstetric and demographic variables .

Methodology: This observational cross sectional study was conducted at Quaid-e-Azam International Hospital Islamabad and Al-Sadiq-SSH Rawalpindi , Pakistan, from March to May 2014 . Women delivering in QIH or SSH and those attending for their baby’s vaccination at 4 to 12 weeks post partum were included; those having previous psychiatric illness were excluded. Data was collected by interviewing them. PND symptoms were defined as present when subjects had Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale score of 10 or higher. Variables included were age, education, family setup, parity, baby’s sex, and emotional response.
Results: Prevalence of PND was among 88-(23%). Social support showed a decrease in risk by 20%. Elderly and professional women and those showing negative response are also at a higher risk 38.46 % and ( 39%).

Conclusion: Social support from a joint family system plays a significant role in reducing risk of PND

Key words: Post natal depression, Social support, emotional reaction .

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