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Crop year effects on seed yields, growing cycle length, and chemical composition of chia (Salvia hispanica L) growing in Ecuador and Bolivia

Ricardo Ayerza (h).


Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) is an annual summer herb, and a member of the Lamiaceae family. The present study was conducted between 2007-2010 period, on seeds commercially grown in Bolivia (Sub-Humid Chaco Ecosystem) and Ecuador (Tropical Forest Ecosystem). The crop year effect on the growing cycle length, seed yield, seed’s protein content, lipid content, and fatty acids profile, was determined. The mean growing cycle length ranged from 108-d at Sub-Humid Chaco Ecosystem to 113-d at the Tropical Forest Ecosystem. The Tropical Forest Ecosystem had higher maximum and average yields at each year crop, than the Sub-Humid Chaco Ecosystem. Overall, the seed from the Tropical Forest Ecosystem showed significant (P

Key words: alpha-linolenic, fatty acids, omega-3, Salvia hispanica, seed production.

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