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Distribution of ABO blood group among fertile and infertile males in central India: a pilot study

Bheem Prasad, Adarsh Lalit, Naresh C Sharma.


Background: Blood is an important component of the human body that is responsible for complete human identity. The ABO and Rh groups are very useful for blood transfusion, organ transplantation, biomedical research, and anthropological study. The blood group incompatibility has been associated with some diseases.

Objective: To examine the relationship between blood group and infertility in men and to know the frequency of different blood groups among infertile men who were referred from different infertility clinics and centers.

Materials and Methods: A total number of 88 infertile men along with 88 fertile men as controls were evaluated using the antigen–antibody agglutination test.

Result: The ABO blood group distribution among the infertile men was 40.90%, 29.54%, 19.31%, and 10.22% for blood groups O, A, B, and AB, respectively, and the prevalence of ABO blood group in fertile were 44.31%, 27.27%, 22.72%, and 05.68% for groups O, A, B, and AB, respectively.

Conclusion: This preliminary study showed that the ABO blood group has no statistically significant association with male infertility.

Key words: ABO blood group, antigen–antibody, male infertility, reproduction, Rhesus factors

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