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Seroprevalence of chikungunya cases in a tertiary-care hospital in Ahmedabad

Atul J Sakhiya, Mital Gamit, Khyati Prajapati, Disha Patel, Pranay Shah.


Background: Chikungunya is viral fever with the main symptom of joints pain for prolong duration. It persists as major public health problem till date.

Objective: To know the seroprevalence, clinical presentation, and seasonal trends of chikungunya infection in a tertiary-care hospital in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

Materials and Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted at a tertiary-care hospital in Ahmedabad. Totally, 2193 blood samples were received from different wards from suspected cases of chikungunya fever and tested for IgM antibody using ELISA in civil hospital Ahmedabad for duration of 1 year (September 2013 to August 2014).

Result: Of the 2193 cases tested, 724 (33.01%) were positive for IgM antibodies; 33.28% were aged younger than 30 years and 66.71% older than 30 years. All presented with fever (100%), followed by joint pain, headache, body ache, joint swelling, and rash (93.6%, 73%, 39.7%, and 17.4%, respectively). Maximum cases were reported during September to January (31.98%, 35%, 36.41%, 43.34%, and 42.18%, respectively), with male subjects of 41.02% and female subjects, 58.97%.

Conclusion: Seroprevalence of chikungunya in our study (33.01%), which was high in late monsoon and winter, suggests that it continues to be a major health problem in our setup and indicates the need of appropriate strategies to reduce the severity of disease.

Key words: Chikungunya, seroprevalence, Ahmedabad, viral fever

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