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Single versus repeated tramadol injection in laparotomized albino rats: comparison of effects on hematology, serum biochemical parameters, and body weight gain

Rita Ijeoma Udegbunam, Henry Nnamdi Okereke, Sunday Ositadimma Udegbunam.


This study was aimed to assess the effects of single and repeated tramadol administration on some hematological and serum biochemical parameters of laparotomized rats. Laparotomized rats (n=18) were randomly divided into three equal groups. Normal saline was administered to the rats of group 1 (control). Tramadol (dosed at 10 mg/kg bwt) was administered singly to the rats of group 2. The same dose of tramadol was administered repeatedly every 12 h up to 72 h to the rats of group 3. On day 3 and 10 post-laparotomy (PSL), blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, total serum protein, hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration and red blood cell counts in the rats of group 2 were found to be significantly (P

Key words: Erythrocytic indices, Laparotomy, Opioid, Tramadol hydrochloride

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