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Review Article

A survey on technical approaches in fall detection system

Sree Madhubala J, Umamakeswari A, Jenita Amali Rani B.

Cited by 12 Articles

The fall events have become a common health problem among elderly people. The accidental falls are a serious issue. If it is unnoticed, then it becomes fatal. The concept of automatic fall detection technique is monitoring the daily activities of a person when they encounter a fall and then send an alert to the particular person’s caretaker in order to get an immediate assistance. A survey was done on several techniques used for automatic detection of fall events. The techniques widely used are categorized as follows: (1) acoustic and ambience sensor based, (2) wearable sensor based, and (3) computer vision based. The advantages and disadvantages of these techniques are analyzed critically in this article.

Key words: Fall Detection; Acoustic Sensor; Accelerometer; Computer Vision; Activities of Daily Living

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