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Case Report

Dusunen Adam. 2016; 29(2): 181-186

Psychosis related with Hashimoto thyroiditis: a case report

Ruken Agachanli, Ozlem Devrim Balaban, Menekse Sila Yazar, Nezih Eradamlar.


Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease characterized with inflammation of the thyroid gland. Psychiatric symptoms frequently accompany Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Major depression is the most common affective disorder with the prevalence of 33-43%. Psychotic disorders may accompany at 5% rate. In this case report; a patient, recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism and involved into a psychotic process due to his hypothyroidism, is discussed. The patient’s refusal of oral intake and lack of parenteral preparation of thyroxine in our country were the factors that made the treatment more complicated. The aim of this case report is to emphasize the importance of the routine laboratory examinations especially during the first admission to the hospital, and to underline difficulty of thyroid replacement therapy due to lack of preparation of parenteral thyroxine in our country in patients who do not or can not get medications orally.

Key words: Anxiety disorders, psychiatric comorbidity, thyroid diseases

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