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Plasma catalytic desulfurization and denitrification simultaneously over FeCo/zeolite

Fang Hu, Guihua Zeng, Huaqin Li, Qihong Ye, Zhirong Xie, Zaishan Wei.


Simultaneous desulfurization and denitrification has been investigated using FeCo/zeolite as catalyst. The reaction efficiency of microwave catalytic reduction of SO2 and NOx with ammonium bicarbonate (NH4HCO3) as a reducing agent could be up to 96 and 90.6%, respectively. A microwave reactor with FeCo/zeolite only could also be used to microwave catalytic radical oxidative 91% SO2 to sulfate and 84.3% NOx to nitrates. Microwave catalytic desulfurization and dentrification effect on FeCo/zeolite is slightly higher than that of catalytic reduction of SO2 and NOx using ammonium bicarbonate as reducing agent and FeCo/zeolite as catalyst. The mechanism for microwave-induced SO2 and NOx reduction can be described as the microwave induced catalytic reaction between SO2, NOx, and ammonium bicarbonate, with SO2, NOx, and ammonium bicarbonate, with FeCo/zeolite being the catalyst and microwave absorbent. Microwave catalytic removal of SO2 and NOx over FeCo/zeolite catalyst follows Langmuir—Hinshelwood (L-H) kinetics.

Key words: Simultaneous desulfurization and denitrification, Microwave catalytic, Microwave catalytic reduction, FeCo/zeolite, Kinetic

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