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Original Research

RMJ. 2016; 41(1): 68-71

Clinical evaluation of Kiwi omni cup: a new vacuum extraction device

Farzana Nasir, Nazia Hashim, Raana Hussain, Nargis Soomro.


Objective: To evaluate efficacy of a new vacuum extraction device, the ‘Kiwi Omni Cup’ for vacuum delivery and to assess the maternal and fetal effects of the device in clinical practice.
Methodology: This observational study was conducted at Al Salam International Hospital Kuwait. Kiwi Omni Cup was used in 128 vacuum assisted deliveries where there were valid indications for expediting the deliveries. Detailed information was recorded about the procedure and its effect on the mother and neonates.
Results: Out of the 128 vacuum deliveries, 72 (56.25%) patients were nullipara and 56 (43.75%) were multipara. In 124 (96.87%) women, vacuum assisted delivery was successfully completed. The mean duration of procedure was 8.69 minutes. Ten (7.812%) women had extension of episiotomy and 2 (1.56%) suffered from second degree tear. Two (1.56%) infants had cephalhematoma, which resolved rapidly without complication. Three (2.34%) had shoulder dystocia and one ( 0.78%) neonate developed Erbs palsy. The mean birth weight of the infants was 3.388kg±325gm.
Conclusion: The hand held Kiwi Omni Cup is an efficient and safe vacuum device for assisted vaginal delivery. It is an effective addition to the standard metal and silastic cup.

Key words: Kiwi OmniCup, assisted vaginal delivery, vacuum assisted delivery

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