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Fathurrahman - Fathurahman, Jefri - Nursanto, Andriany Madjid, Ramadanil.


The research entitled “Ethnobotanical study of Kaili Inde tribe in Central Sulawesi Indonesia” has been conducted from April to June 2012 at the Mantikole, a village of Kaili Inde which is located in Palu Central Sulawesi Indonesia. This research aims was to know the interaction between Kaili Inde society and their environment especially plant biodiversity being used in their daily need. Basic data of ethnobotany such as traditional plant use in the village have been collected by using direct interview and establishment of transect. Village leaders, religious leaders, traditional healers, government officers and crafts-people are the target groups who interviewed during the study. The interviews were recorded by audio recorders and notebooks. Photographs were also taken to record information. All recognizable morphospecies of plants/voucher specimens were collected for identification purpose. Plant collecting was according to the “Schweinfurth method” (Bridson and Forman 1999). The observation was included vernacular name, scientific name, family, habitus and uses. Processing of the specimens was conducted at Herbarium Celebense (CEB), Tadulako University Palu. Identification was done in the field and in CEB. Data were analyzed quantitatively by using ICS (Index of Cultural Significance) formula. The results indicated that One hundred thirty two (132) plant species consisting of 60 families were used by Kaili Inde tribe. 39 species were used as food, 62 species as medicine, as building material 6 species, 23 species for traditional rituals and 10 plant species as handicrafts. The plant species that have highest ICS was "Pa'e" (Oryza sativa L), followed by sweet potato "Untoku" (Ipomea batatas), "Pia'lei '(Allium cepa), “affo” (Schyzostachyum brachy–cladum), “kamonji” (Artocarpus communis), “tunau” (Arenga pinnata), “lemo barangay (Citrus aurantifolia), “cangkore” (Arachys hypogea), “gampaya” (Carica papaya), “siranindi” (Kalankoe pinnata), “kasubi” (Manihot esculenta), and “srikaya” (Annona squamosa), while the lowest ICS was "Camara" (Casuarina junghuniana).

Key words: Ethnobotany, Kaili Inde, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

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