Background: The ABO histo-blood group system is one of the genetic risk factors linked to the susceptibility to asthma in some populations. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of bronchial asthma in various ABO and Rh blood group subjects, and to examine any association between ABO and Rh blood groups with bronchial asthma in Arar City, Northern Saudi Arabia.
Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Arar City, Northern Saudi Arabia. It included 828 participants from the general population of Northern Saudi Arabia. Data were collected by a pre-designed online questionnaire, which was distributed among the study population. It was self-administered, after a brief explanation of the idea of the research.
Results: Most (40.3%) of the participants were between 20 and 29 years old, the majority (56.9%) were females. Among participants, 19.2% were suffering from asthma. The distribution of ABO blood group was as follows: blood group O (44.7%), blood group A (26.2%), blood group B (21.4%), and blood group AB (7.7%). The proportions of Rhesus (D) positive and Rhesus (D) negative were 85.6% and 14.4%, respectively. The results showed an insignificant relationship between bronchial asthma and ABO blood group, Rhesus factor, gender, body mass index group, and marital status (p > 0.05), while it showed a significant relationship between bronchial asthma and age group (p
Key words: ABO blood group, bronchial asthma, Arar city, positive Rh and negative Rh, risk factor, association