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Effect of starter cultures on various classes of fatty acids in Sudanese fermented camel milk (Camelus dromedarius) gariss

Adam Ismail Ahmed, Babiker Elwasila Mohamed, Nuha Mohamed elkhatim Yousif, Bernard - Faye, Gerard - Loiseau.


The objective of this research was to study the variation of classes of fatty acids in gariss (fermented camel milk) prepared under controlled conditions (starter cultures and time of fermentation). Inoculations of raw camel milk with selected LAB strains (E. duransR03, E.faecium NWL and L. plantarum BJ6 and their combination as well as the control - fermentation without starter cultures) was performed at varying periods of time (zero, 3, 6, 9 and 12h) at ambient temperature, then the role of these conditions on fatty acids classes were studied. Camel milk fermented under starter-culture controlled conditions contained unsaturated fatty acids, including the essential fatty acids. Considerable amounts of omega3 and omega6 fatty acids and the absence or presence of low amounts of short chain fatty acids were found compared to cow milk.

Key words: Starter, Enterococcus, fatty acids, LAB strains.

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