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Effect of external pH on cyanobacterial phycobiliproteins production and ammonium excretion

Ojit Singh Keithellakpam, Tiwari Onkar Nath, Avijeet Singh Oinam, Indrama Thingujam, Gunapati Oinam, Sharma Gauri Dutt.

Cited by 13 Articles

In the present study, cyanobacterial strains isolated from Loktak Lake were investigated for their possibility of increasing the content of phycobiliproteins and ammonium excretion under different levels of pH. At pH 5.0, maximum amount of PE was observed in Nostoc sp. BTA-61 (111.10±9.43 µgmg-1). Maximum PC was expressed in Phormidium sp. BTA-1048 (155.17±10.15 µgmg-1). APC content was observed maximum in Nostoc commune BTA-67 (81.45±7.68 µgmg-1). At pH 6.0, high PE was observed in Nostoc sp. BTA-61 (125.11±11.60 µgmg-1). PC was maximum in Phormidium sp. BTA-1048 (168.15±9.58 µgmg-1). APC was highest in Nostoc commune BTA-67 (91.41±2.88 µgmg-1). Regarding at pH 7.0, PE was found in high quantity in Nostoc sp. BTA-61 (127.91±14.91 µgmg-1). PC was maximum in Nostoc commune BTA-67 (128.52±5.66 µgmg-1). APC was highest in Nostoc commune BTA-67 (96.40±3.52 µgmg-1). pH 8.0 showed high PE content in Nostoc sp. BTA-61 (115.75±6.27 µgmg-1). PC was highest in Phormidium sp. BTA-1048 (160.09±10.56 µgmg-1). APC was maximum in Nostoc commune BTA-67 (84.15±5.30 µgmg-1). pH 9.0 showed maximum PE content in Nostoc sp. BTA-61 (95.39±4.87 µgmg-1). PC was high in Phormidium sp. BTA-1048 (148.13±9.20 µgmg-1). APC was highest in Nostoc commune BTA-67 (77.43±5.78 µgmg-1). PE, PC and APC concentration was significantly higher (LSD test, p

Key words: Cyanobacteria, Loktak Lake, pH, Phycobiliproteins, Ammonium excretion

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