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NMJ. 2015; 4(1): 52-56

Empathy as a need for treatment efficacy and physician success

B.V. Subrahmanyam 1 K.S.V.K. Subba Rao2 K. Rajesham.


Empathy is the ability to understand and share the emotions and problems of the other person and helping
out in giving solace. It differs from sympathy and pity. Medical professionals have to imbibe empathic
attitude towards the patients and public so that they take back a better image of the concerned person as a
human being. Empathy to the extent of understanding the patient’s woes is not only a need but also a tool in
better handling of the patients and an empathic physician is perceived as a better professional compared to
one who appears as detached and works as a technological and logical robot.1 Empathy quotient can help an
individual to know where one stands and then to acquire and imbibe empathic and nonjudgmental behavior
to facilitate better doctor patient relationship.

Key words: Keywords:  Empathy  Doctor Patient Relationship  Empathy Quotient  Treatment Efficacy

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