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J App Pharm Sci. 2015; 5(10): 101-106

Rates of Feeding and Assimilation in the Silkworm Bombyx mori, as Influenced by Methoprene

K S Santhy.


Juvenile Hormone Analogues (JHAs) which prolong the larval life in insects have been long tried for the improvement of silk production in silkworm. Study of nutritional parameters like consumption, digestion and utilisation of sericigenous insect is considered to be an important field of work for better management and development of the sericulture industry apart from its physiological importance. An elaborate study on nutritional indices was presently undertaken to elucidate the role of JHA in improving the overall production of cocoons and thereby for the improvement of sericulture industry. Manta, a JHA, was applied at various concentrations on larvae of both sexes and the calorific and nutritional indices were analysed. Study of nutritional parameters of Bombyx mori revealed positive correlations between males females and controls with respect to consumption, assimilation and production. Of the dosages administered, 0.75 µg and 1.0 µg dosages were found to be better treatments with regard to the parameters. From the overall energetics of the present study, it is clear that the concentration of Manta applied had a significant positive correlation with consumption, egestion, production and ECD.

Key words: Juvenile hormone, analogue, Manta, silk, larvae, nutrition

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