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Efficient plant regeneration of Malaysian aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) via improved somatic embryogenesis pathway

Zuraida Abdul Rahman, Asfaliza Ramli, Rahiniza Kamaruzaman, Zulkifli Ahmad Seman, Ayu Nazreena Othman, Zamri Zainal, Jasim Uddain, Sreeramanan Subramaniam.


Aromatic rice MRQ 74, MRQ 80 and MRQ 50 are the most popular rice in Malaysia. Establishing an efficient regeneration protocols via somatic embryogenesis is required for varietal improvements. Somatic embryogenesis system was established in three aromatic rice varieties by using mature seeds. Optimised MS-B5 medium containing 1 mg/L 2, 4-D (2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and 10 mg/L NAA (α-naphthaleneacetic acid) produced highest production of embryogenic callus (89%) without any browning effect. The highest whitish somatic embryos frequency (75 %) was initiated by incubating embryogenic calli on same media containing 10 mg/L ABA and 9 g/L Gelrite agar for 8 weeks. However, the numbers of regenerated plantlets on medium containing NAA and 2,4-D which was previously pre-treated with 10 mg/L ABA, 9 g/L Gelrite agar and incubation at 8 weeks was the best method for shoots induction (14 plantlets per 3 g of somatic embryos) of three rice varieties.

Key words: Aromatic rice, Somatic embryogenesis, Plant growth regulator, Carbon source

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