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A Map for Clinical Laboratories Management Indicators in the Intelligent Dashboard

Zahra Azadmanjir, Mashallah Torabi, Reza Safdari, Maryam Bayat, Fatemeh Golmahi.


Introduction: management challenges of clinical laboratories are more complicated for educational hospital clinical laboratories. Managers can use tools of business intelligence (BI), such as information dashboards that provide the possibility of intelligent decision-making and problem solving about increasing income, reducing spending, utilization management and even improving quality. Critical phase of dashboard design is setting indicators and modeling causal relations between them. The paper describes the process of creating a map for laboratory dashboard. Methods: the study is one part of an action research that begins from 2012 by innovation initiative for implementing laboratory intelligent dashboard. Laboratories management problems were determined in educational hospitals by the brainstorming sessions. Then, with regard to the problems key performance indicators (KPIs) specified. Results: the map of indicators designed in form of three layered. They have a causal relationship so that issues measured in the subsequent layers affect issues measured in the prime layers. Conclusion: the proposed indicator map can be the base of performance monitoring. However, these indicators can be modified to improve during iterations of dashboard designing process.

Key words: Map, Clinical Laboratory, Information Dashboard, Key Performance Indicators, Laboratory Management.

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