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IJHRS. 2015; 4(2): 95-102

Assessment of scapular behavior in stroke patients

Ajit Dabholkar, Devanshi Mehta, Sujata Yardi, Tejashree Dabholkar.


Background: Stroke is the number two cause of death world-wide and may soon become the leading cause of death worldwide. The occurrence of shoulder pain after stroke is quite common in hemiplegia with an estimated incidence between 16% and 84%.This so-called Post Stroke Shoulder Pain, or PSSP can impede rehabilitation and interfere with both function and quality of life. It may not only interfere with shoulder function, but also with balance, walking, transfers and performance of self-care activities. Alterations in shoulder kinematics could lead to shoulder instabilities which in turn could lead to shoulder pain.
Purpose: Assessment of scapular stability, assessment of type of scapular dyskinesia , and assessment of disability in stroke patients with scapular dyskinesia
Materials and Methods: Weighing scale, Dumbbells weighing three pounds and five pounds, Ruler to calculate scapular balance angle, Disability assessment scale, Goniometer.
Results: Scapular alterations were evident in patients with stroke
Conclusion: The scapular stability is affected as evaluated by scapular dyskinesia test and scapular balance angle. Various types of scapular dyskinesia were observed. It was observed that patients with disability have scapular dyskinesia

Key words: Stroke, shoulder pain, scapular kinematic alteration, dyskinesia

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