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The Opinion of Students and Faculty Members about the Effect of the Faculty Performance Evaluation

Nassim Ghahrani, Hasan Siamian, Azita Balaghafari, Kobra Aligolbandi, Mohammad Vahedi.


Background: One of the most common ways that in most countries and Iran in determining the status of teacher training is the evaluation by students. The most common method of evaluation is the survey questionnaire provided to the study subjects, comprised of questions about educational activities. The researchers plan to evaluate the opinion of students and faculty members about the effect of the faculty performance evaluation at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences in 2014-15. Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional survey of attitudes of students and professors base their evaluation on the impact on their academic performance, have been studied. The populations were 3904 students and 149 faculty members of basic sciences Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. Sample of 350 students and 107 students using Cochran formula faculty members through proportional stratified random sampling was performed. The data of the questionnaire with 28 questions on a Likert Spectrum, respectively. Statistical Analysis Data are descriptive and inferential statistics using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U test is done. Results: Based on the results obtained from total of 350 students, 309 students and from total of 107 faculty members, 76 faculty of basic sciences, participated in this study .The most of the students, 80 (25.9%) of the Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences and most of the faculty of basic sciences, 33 (4.43) of the medicine science faculty. Comments Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences in comparison to the scope of the evaluation should test using Binominal test; we can conclude that in the field of regulatory, scientific, educational, and communications arena, there were no significant differences between the views of students. The greatest supporter of the education of 193 (62%) and most challengers of exam 147 (48%), respectively. Regarding the viewpoints of the faculty members at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences towards the evaluation domains, using binomial test, it could be concluded that only on the regulation domain with the significance level of 0.000, significant different was observed. So that, 30(23%) and 50(53%) supported of the effect of evaluation on the effect of evaluation of situation. Evaluation to improve the regulatory status of teachers and 70% (53 patients), the effects are positive. Students and faculty evaluations to compare the Mann-Whitney U test was used. The results show, only within the rules, with a significance level of 0.01 considered statistically significant relationship between teachers and students there. Conclusion: considering the viewpoints of students and faculty members about the impact of teacher performance evaluation of the students, most of the students believed that the greatest impact assessment has been on the improve educational performance entitled as responsibility of the faculty member for education, interest in presenting lessons, using audio-visual tools, having lesson plans, faculty members participate interest and enthusiasm in presenting lessons the use of teaching aids, lesson plans, faculty members participation in seminars, creating interest in students to participate in class discussions and expressing the importance of learning lessons perspective of teachers, but the faculty members viewpoints indicate the impact of evaluation on the regular attendance and discipline, the greatest impact assessment in the area of regulatory and compliance with the timely and orderly and thus their activities.

Key words: Opinion, Students, Faculty Members, Faculty Performance Evaluation

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