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Adequacy of antenatal care received by Nigerian women and some related factors

Anselm Shekwagu Berde, Sarp Uner.


Aim: This study aim was to apply a set of indicators to measure antenatal care (ANC) adequacy in Nigerian and to identify key factors associated with. adequacy of ANC utilization
Methods: We used cross-sectional data from the 2008 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey. Our study sample consist of 9604 mothers who had a live birth in the five years preceiding the survey and had at least one ANC visit. The outcome variable Adequacy of Received ANC (ARANC) score was calculated as follows; ARANC Score=Provider × (Number of visits + Timing of first visit + Content of ANC). Where utilizing skilled provider was scored 1 and utilizing unskilled provider was scored 0, the remaining ANC atributtes were given a score of 1 for adequate utilization and 0 otherwise, such that, the maximum ARANC score was 3 and the minimum was 0The SPSS Complex Sample General Lineer Model procedure was used for both bivariate and multivariate analysis to compare assosiacion between ARANC score and explanatory variables.
Results: Most mothers had scores of 2 (46.2%) refering to mothers who had a skilled provider and 2 ANC attibutes adequately. Older age, low number of birth, living in urban area, high educational level, almost daily exposure to mass media, being currently employed, knowledge on modern contraceptive methods, high household wealth index and easy access to health facility were positively associated with ARANC score (p

Key words: Antenatal care, Adequacy, Nigeria, ARANC score.

Article Language: Turkish English

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