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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2630-2635

Combined Effect Of Yoga Practices And Calisthenics Exercise On Selected Physiological Variable Among School Students



The purpose of the present study was to investigate the combined effect of yoga practices and calisthenics exercise on selected physiological variables among school students. To achieve the purpose of the study thirty school students were selected from Usilampatti, Tamilnadu, INDIA during the year 2021. The subject’s age ranges from 14 to 18 years. The selected subjects were divided into two equal groups consists of 15 men students each namely experimental group and control group. The experimental group underwent an combined yoga practices and calisthenics exercise programme for six weeks. The control group was not taking part in any training during the course of the study. Resting pulse rate was taken as criterion variable in this study. The selected subjects were tested on resting pulse rate was measured through to record the pulse rate the fingertips were placed on the radial artery at the thumb side of the wrist about an inch from the base of the thumb. Pre-test was taken before the training period and post- test was measured immediately after the six week training period. Statistical Technique ‘t’ ratio was used to analyse the means of the pre-test and post test data of experimental group and control group. The results revealed that there was a significant difference found on the criterion variable. The difference is found due to combined yoga practices and calisthenics exercise given to the experimental group on resting pulse rate when compared to control group.

Key words: Combined yoga practices and calisthenics exercise, Resting Pulse Rate and ‘t’ ratio

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