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Original Article

AJVS. 2015; 47(1): 129-133

Levels of Cadmium and Lead in raw cow and buffalo's milk samples collected from local markets of El-Behera Governorate

Maria A. El-Ansary and Ahlam El Leboudy.


Heavy metal contents in 30 samples of commercially available cow’s milk and buffalo's milk (fifteen each) were investigated using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Results indicated high concentrations of Cadmium and Lead especially in buffalo's milk samples. The lowest concentrations of metals were found in cow's milk. Mean metal concentrations (Cadmium and lead) (ppm) in cow's milk were 0.0978 ± 0.01948 for Cadmium and 0.3425 ± 0.03980 for lead, and the mean concentration of Cadmium in buffalo's milk was 0.1892 ± 0.01239 (ppm) and the mean concentration of lead in buffalo's milk was 0.4854 ± 0.05043 (ppm). Finally, further investigations are needed to identify the cause of elevated Cadmium and lead levels especially in buffalo's milk.

Key words: cadmium, lead level, cow, buffalo milk

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