Background: Cancer is a rapidly increasing problem in developing countries as statistics illustrate. Cases have risen from two million in 1985 to five million in 2000, and are projected to number 10 million in 2015.
Objective: The aim of this study is to investigated the risk factor and causative factors and geographical distribution over Sudan States and relationship of incidence with some patient's customs and dietary habits like in Sudan
Method: This study was performed in the Radiation and Isotopes Center of Khartoum (RICK) and National Cancer Institute (NCI) University of Gazeria. It focused on patients who treated in period of 2011-2012.
Results: The results showed that the most common cancers are prostate cancer 3.3% in males and 17.4% in breast cancer in females. The geographical incidence of cancer showed high incidence (46%) in Khartoum state according to RICK statistics and high incidence (64.1%) in Gezira state according to NCI statistics.
Conclusion: This study summarizes recent scientific evidence of environmental and occupational links to nearly 30 types of cancer. The study presents the state of the evidence on causal associations between environmental and occupational exposures and specific cancer types.
Key words: Environment, Occupations, Cancer incidence, Sudan.