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Case Report

Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2016; 14(2): 63-66

Novel use of ear sockets as points of traction in partial foetotomy in Bunaji cows

AA Bello, S Danbirni, G Mohammed, JS Rwuaan, AK Mohammed & AKB Sackey.


Dystocia was managed in 4½-, 3- and 3½-year-old Bunaji and Bunaji-Friesian cross cows at the University farm, a Fulani camp and an Institutional farm, respectively. Clinical examination showed normal vital parameters, straining, well relaxed perineum, oedematous vulva, fully engorged mammary glands and extended foetal fore-limbs. Vaginal exploration revealed fully relaxed cervices, dead foetuses in anterior longitudinal presentation and dorso-sacral positions. The necks and heads were flexed laterally and dorsally. Dystocia of foetal causes due to postural abnormalities (lateral and dorsal flexion of the neck) were diagnosed. Amputations of fore-limbs of the foetuses at the point of the shoulders using Thygesen® foetotome and obstetrical wire were done. A crutch-repeller placed between the neck and the stump of shoulder of the amputated fore-limb was then used to repel the foetuses into the uteri to achieve extension of the neck. Extension of the flexed necks and heads was achieved by the use of three-point traction on the heads and repulsion concurrently. Traction was used to deliver the dead foetuses while guarding the points of amputation in the birth canals. It was concluded that the ear socket can be used as a new point of traction along with or in place of the eye socket in partial foetotomy for relieving dystocia with non-viable foetus in Bunaji cows.

Key words: Bunaji cow, Dystocia, Ear, Foetotomy, Obstetrical-wire, Traction

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