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Rational use of medicine in some family health centers in Manisa

Selçuk Hatipoğlu, Beyhan Cengiz Özyurt.


Objective: In our study, over 18 people in two different locations in Manisa is intended to rational use of medicine and the factors that influence drug use.
Methods: 550 people, living in two family health center in Manisa participated to this descriptive study. Data were collected by using questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 56 questions about the demographic char¬acteristics and the attitudes of the applicants drug use. Descriptive statistics were used for summarizing the data and the chi-square test was used to compare the categor¬ical variables.
Result: The mean age of the participants was 39.47±13.85. Of the total participants, 51.6% were ¬male, 28.4% were university graduated, 81.6% have Social Security İnsurance. Participants 76% stated that they use medicines without consulting medical doctors. In the elementary families, in still working people, in which more than expenses even, in his own and his wife secondar and higher education, in well general health status, in medicine with attention to using prescriptions in by storage conditions were found to be the use of more rational drug Totally, 85.5% of the participants had drugs at home without using. Analgesics were the most frequently drugs held at home.
Conclusion: Most participants of this study had the be¬havior of irrational drug use.
Key words: Rational use of medicine, physician, patient, prescription

Key words: Rational use of medicine, physician, patient, prescription

Article Language: Turkish English

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