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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2016; 23(1): 123-125

Intravascular Branul Fracture

Mehmet Cengiz Colak, Gokce Eser, Nevzat Erdil, Baris Akca, Gozde Erkul, Bektas Battaloglu.

Cited by 0 Articles

The peripheral vascular catheter is usually used in intensive care patients to perform medical treatment and invasive blood pressure monitoring. However, during or after this procedure, some complications can develop. One of the complications is intravascular branule fractures. The delay of the treatment process can increase the incidence and severity of complications. Radiography and ultrasonography may be useful for early diagnosis. The reliability of ultrasonography in acute cases is quite high but it can be inadequate in delayed cases or when broken components have moved to a more proximal position. Besides these complications also cause legal actions taken against physicians and health care professionals. In this case, we aim to present the case of a branule fracture in which broken part of a branule remained within the vessel until our peripheral vascular intervention.

Key words: Peripheral Catheterization; Complications; Embolism.

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