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Incidence and occupational risk factors of preterm delivery among working mothers: a single center study in Egypt

Abdel-Hady El-Gilany, Ghada El-Khawaga, Ashraf Ghanem.


Aim: To estimate the incidence of preterm delivery (PTD) and its associated occupational risk factors among working women.
Methods: A hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted in Mansoura University Hospital, Egypt. The study included 1340 working pregnant women after delivery. Occupational factors were measured using a pre-designed questionnaire, this included factors describing job and working conditions. Pregnancy outcome was obtained from hospital records
Results: The incidence of PTD was 24.3%. The logistic regression analysis revealed significant and strong effects of both physical work demands (AOR = 3.94) and heavy weight carrying (AOR =2.76) on PTD. Also long working hours and temporary contract increases the risk of PTD (AOR=2.23 and 1.98; respectively). Advanced maternal age and nulliparity were the non-occupational risks significantly related to PTD.
Conclusion: Control of adverse working condition during pregnancy could contribute to decreasing the preterm deliveries.

Key words: Occupation – Preterm - Working mothers

Article Language: Turkish English

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