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Effect of age, sex, area and management practices on cattle mortality in Rajshahi division, Bangladesh

Md. Reazul Islam, Md. Jalal Uddin Sarder, K. M. Mozaffor Hossain, Md. Hemayatul Islam, Jashim Uddin.


Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of age, sex, location and management on cattle mortality rate in Rajshahi division of Bangladesh.
Materials and methods: The study was conducted in 8 districts of Rajshahi division during July 2011 to June 2012. A total of 17,982 cattle heads were investigated based on age, sex, area. Data were collected from the cattle owners using a closed structured questionnaire. Tentative cause of cattle mortality was identified based on clinical signs, laboratory tests, history, ante-mortem and postmortem reports. Management practices of the cattle were also investigated.
Results: Out of 17,982 cattle heads, 549 were found to be dead by various diseases, and an average mortality rate was 3.05%. Age-wise mortality rate of cattle revealed that the maximum mortality rate was found in the age group of

Key words: Age, Cattle, Location, Management, Mortality, Sex

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