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Epidemiological Surveys of camel Trypanosomosis in Al-jouf, Saudi Arabia based on PCR and ELISA

Mohamed Elwathig, Bernard Faye, Sophie Thevenon, Sop Ravel, Geraldine Bosssard.


Trypanosomosis due to Trypanosoma evansi (surra) is a major enzootic disease of the dromedary camel. The present study was conducted to determine the prevalence of camel trypanosomosis in the northern part of Saudi Arabia with different methods of diagnosis (ELISA, PCR) and to compare the results to whose obtained previously with card Agglutination test (CATT/T.evansi). A total of 195 blood samples and 118 serum samples were used for molecular and serological investigation respectively. After analyses, 25% (49/195) and 3% (4/118) samples were positive using PCR and ELISA respectively. The variability of trypanosomosis was highly significant to the factor moving, location, breed and clinical signs with PCR. The discrepancy between PCR, CATT test and ELISA is likely due to antibodies degradation on spotted papers maintained several at ambient temperature. This is the first molecular diagnosis report, which gives a picture of camel trypanosomiasis in Al-jouf, Saudi Arabia.

Key words: Trypanosoma evansi, camels, PCR, ELISA, Risk Factors, Al-jouf.

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