Background: Spinal extensors endurance is essential for the general endurance. Good endurance helps in injury prevention, and improves efficiency in all physical activities across different ages.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the endurance ability of the spinal extensors between physically active and inactive students.
Method Materials: Twenty physical therapy students, aged between 19 and 22 years, were recruited from college of medical rehabilitation to participate in the study. The investigator demonstrated the activity to the participants. Every participant had to lie down over the wooden arc support and arch the spine backwards as long as tolerated.
Results: The mean score, in minutes, for physically active participants was 2.19 (SD=1.17), and the mean score for physically inactive participants was 2.50 (SD=1.18). No significant difference was found between the mean score of both groups [ t (18)= -0.586, p >0.05]. The mean score of spinal muscles endurance in both groups was less than the mean norm.
Conclusions: There was no association between being physically active and the endurance capacity of the spinal muscles extensors. The endurance capacity was poor in both groups.
Key words: Keywords: Spine, extensor muscles, endurance, trunk support, students.