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Case Report

Open Vet J. 2024; 14(7): 1726-1732

Abdominal Fat Necrosis in a Female Dromedary Camel: Clinical, Hematobiochemical, Sonographic and Pathologic Findings

Mohamed Tharwat, Mohie Haridy, Hazem Elmoghazy, Ayman Elnahas, Abdulrahman Alkheraif.


Abdominal fat necrosis is mostly an incidental finding during rectal examination manifested by the presence of hard necrotic masses of different sizes. Differential diagnosis includes gastrointestinal neoplasia, abdominal abscessation and mummified fetuses. This report describes the clinical, hematological, biochemical, sonographic, and pathologic findings in a female Arabian camel (Camelus dromedaries) with abdominal fat necrosis.
Case Description:
A 7-year-old female dromedary camel was presented for examination because of weakness and progressive weight loss since months ago. Anthelmintics, analgesics, broad-spectrum antimicrobials, anti-inflammatories and stomachics were administered, but did not result in significant improvement. Preliminary examination of the case revealed emaciation with a body condition score of 2.5 (scale 1 to 5). The cardiopulmonary, digestive, and urinary systems were evaluated transcutaneously by sonography in the recumbent position. Multiple echogenic masses - located within the intestinal loops were observed alongside few hypoechogenic masses. A hyperechogenic peritoneal effusion and enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes were also detected. Decreased hematocrit value, normocytic normochromic anemia, neutrophilic leukocytosis, hypoalbuminemia, hhyperglobulinemia, hyperglycemia, hyponatremia, and hyperkalemia were detected. A free-hand, ultrasound-guided biopsy was examined histopathologically and revealed multiple abdominal fat necrosis, severe fibrosis and pancreatitis.
It is concluded that, transabdominal ultrasonography in camels was valuable for suspicious of abdominal mesenteric masses and helpful in sampling of a representative biopsy specimen However, histological examination of the biopsy remains the final diagnostic method.

Key words: Camels, Fat necrosis, Diagnostic imaging, Pathology, Ultrasound

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