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J App Pharm Sci. 2015; 5(12): 092-095

In vitro Cytotoxicity and Glucose Uptake Activity of Fruits of Terminalia bellirica in Vero, L-6 and 3T3 cell lines

Mary Shoba Das, Gayathri Devi.


Terminalia bellirica is a native plant of India belonging to the family Combrataceae. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the cytotoxicity and glucose uptake activity of ethanolic extract of fruits of Terminalia bellirica using Vero, L-6 and 3T3 cell lines. The results showed that the extracts did not confer any cytotoxicity and the ethanolic extract showed better glucose uptake potential. The results were compared with insulin and metformin, which were used as the standard antidiabetic drugs. Insulin (1IU/ml) and metformin (100 µg/ml) enhance the glucose uptake over control.

Key words: Cytotoxicity, glucose uptake, insulin, metformin

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