Background: Helicopacter pylori play an important role in the pathogenesis of gastroduodenal disease. Appropriate diagnosis of H.pylori infection in the laboratory results in relief of the symptoms and many also be cured without surgical intervention.
Method: 76 males and 24 females who underwent diagnostic endoscopy formed the study group. Microscopic examination, culturing, rapid urease test and ELISA test were carried out.
Results: Among 100 cases (study group) suffering from gastroduodenal diseases, H. pylori isolated from 18 cases, identified in 54 grams stained smears, rapid urease test was positive in 62 cases, IgG immunoglobulins against H. pylori was detected in 62 cases.
Conclusion: No single test can be considered sensitive or specific to detect or rule out H. pylori infection and it is necessary to use a combination of tests.
Key words: Keywords: Helicopacter pylori, diagnosis, gram staining, rapid urease test, ELISA.