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Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients

Kousoula Gerasimoula, Lagou Lefkothea, Lena Maria, Alikari Victoria, Theofilou Paraskevi, Polikandrioti Maria.


Purpose: To explore the quality of life in hemodialysis patients. Material and Methods: The sample studied consisted of 320 patients undergoing hemodialysis in one-day dialysis center. Data were collected by the completion of a specially designed questionnaire which apart from the sociodemographic and clinical variables, it also included the scale Missoula-VITAS Quality of Life Index (MVQOLI) for assessing quality of life. Results: Of the 320 hemodialysis patients, 57,2% were men while 28,1% of the participants were 71-80 years old. The average total score of quality of life was found to be 17.43 (in a range 0-30). The total score of quality of life was found to be higher in participants

Key words: hemodialysis, quality of life, sociodemographic characteristics

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