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Clinical-epidemiological Study on Stroke Presence in the Population of Herzegovina-neretva Canton Influenced by Investigated Risk Factors

Senad Medjedovic, Dervis Deljo, Aziz Sukalo, Izet Masic.


Introduction: Stroke is a rapid loss of brain function due to disturbance blood flow to the brain. The existence of multiple risk factors, the length of their duration, and severity of each factor individually, is positively correlated with the occurrence of stroke. Stroke is the third cause of disability and premature death for men and women. Aim: The aim of this research is that through clinical and epidemiological studies the origin and development of stroke to inspect the same level of representation in the population of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton. Material and methods: This survey covers the entire population of residents in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, and the number of patients who had a need for primary and secondary treating the symptoms of stroke. The very setting of this model of anthropological research modern human groups and theoretical estimates of the impact of genetic and / or environmental risk factors in the formation of phenotypic expression of complex traits of stroke, at the population level, resulted in the realization of the very methodology of this research. The study was conducted at the Department of Neurology, Regional Medical Center (RMC) “Dr. Safet Mujic” and the Department of Neurology, Clinical Center Mostar. These two health institutions, in addition to primary care are at the disposal for entire population of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton and beyond. Data were collected by examining the details of the history of the board of hospitalized patients in the period from 1 January 2010–to 31 December 2014. The processed are 10 risk factors–potential causes of stroke. We also as research material, used records of hospital morbidity–the disease-illness statistics form (form number: 03-21-61; 03/02/60; 03/02/61; 09/03/60). Results: In our study, stroke is the second most frequent in the period of investigation, and noted the rapid growth that is in 2010 and 10.21% to 14.52% in 2014. There was a slight statistically significant differences in relation to the number of infected men and women, and the same is in favor of the patients are female. The number of patients with ischemic stroke, 954 of them or 48.38% was male and 1,018 or 51.62% were female. Of the 10 possible risk factors, factor 6 has a statistically significant canonical factor value, of which hypertension–CVI and the level of P = 0009 *, p = secondary hypertension, 0034 *, hypertensive heart disease, p =, * 0021, Diabetes mellitus of P = 0029 *, p = Anemia, 0052 * and C-reactive protein (CRP) of p = 0049 *, respectively, these canonical factors carry the entire amount of information about the relations impact of certain risk factors in the onset and development of the brain shock. Conclusion: We conclude that there is a statistically significant correlation between the studied risk factors in the genesis of the origin and development of different types of stroke.

Key words: stroke, risk factors, Herzegovina-Neretva Canton.

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