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J App Pharm Sci. 2015; 5(11): 084-089

Essential Oil Secondary Metabolites Variation of Salvia palaestina Leaves Growing wild from Different Locations in Palestine

Hatem Hejaz, Reem Sabbobeh, Hashem Al-Jaas, Ali Jahajha, Saleh Abu-Lafi.


Herbal medicine is widely practiced in Palestine. Salvia palaestina (Lamiaceae) in particular is heavily used because of its acquired traditional reputation over the years rather than scientific basis. S. palaestina essential oils contain secondary metabolites whose production is influenced by many factors that determine their composition and yield. Wild leaves of S. palaestina were collected from eight different locations in Palestine. Air dried leaves were subjected to steam distillation (SD) and the composition of essential oils was determined for the first time by GC-MS in the electron impact mode. Twenty volatile and semivolatile components were identified. The major components in all samples were eucalyptol and the percentages ranged from 51.9% to 63.06%. Other components were found but to a lesser extent mainly β-Thujene, β-Myrcene, (±)-Camphor, α-Terpineol, and β-Caryophyllene.

Key words: Essential oil, Secondary metabolites, Salvia palaestina, GC-MS, Herbal medicine

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