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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2016; 23(1): 92-95

The Long-Term Results of the Combination of Dermofat Graft and Platelet Rich Plasma in a Patient with Hemifacial Atrophy: A Case Report

Metin Temel, Ebru Celik.

Cited by 0 Articles

There are many surgical techniques for repairing the contour deformities of hemi-facial atrophy. In this report, we aim to present the long-term results of a patient whom we treated with a combination of fat graft and platelet rich plasma, which is known to enhance the viability of the dermofat graft. A 30-year-old male patient was admitted with the complaint of his left hemi-facial atrophy. The anamnesis revealed that the hemi-facial atrophy had not been progressing for the last 5 years. We discussed the various treatment choices with the patient and decided to perform a combination of fat graft and the platelet rich plasma, simultaneously. We achieved aesthetically satisfying results. The platelet rich plasma contains growth factors and cytokines and by these contents it decreases the adverse effects in terms of the formation of the absorption and the fat cysts, and it improves the viability of the fat graft by enhancing neovascularization. Compared to free flap procedures, which are time consuming and risky as well as they cause morbidity for donors, the platelet rich plasma combined with fat grafts may be an alternative application for its advantages such as its easy application and reproducible procedure.

Key words: Facial Hemiatrophy; Fat Cells; Tissue Grafts; Platelet-Rich Plasma.

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