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Original Article

AJVS. 2015; 47(1): 97-103

The Prevalence of Some Parasitic Zoonoses in Different Slaughtered Animal Species at Abattoir in the Mid-Delta of Egypt; with Special Reference to its Economic Implications

Walid Elmonir, Walid Mousa, Khaled Sultan.


Parasitic diseases are a multi-problem that affects animal productivity, public health and economy. A total of 45,094 animals slaughtered over three years in Elmahalla Elkubra slaughterhouse, Gharbia, Egypt were surveyed to determine the prevalence of Fascioliasis, Cysticercosis and Hydatidosis. Economic losses associated with Fascioliasis were estimated as well. The overall prevalences of Fascioliasis and Cysticercosis were 0.2% and 0.6%, respectively. Hydatidosis was not found in any of the examined animal species. The highest rates of Cysticercosis and Fascioliasis prevalences were reported in sheep (1.2%, 0.41%), followed by cows (0.44%, 0.14%) and lastly buffaloes (0.13%, 0.07%), respectively. Pattern of the parasitic diseases over three years showed a significant increase in sheep Cysticercosis and significant decrease in cows Cysticercosis, sheep Fascioliasis and cows Fascioliasis. The total economic losses due to Fascioliasis in terms of liver condemnations and carcasses weight losses over the three years of study was estimated as 106,331.3 EGP (16,800.4 USD). This study highlights the impact of these parasitic diseases in the study region and may eventually stimulate better efforts towards the control and possible eradication of these parasitic zoonoses in Egypt.

Key words: Slaughterhouse prevalence, Parasites, Zoonoses, Economic losses, Egypt

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