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Invited Review

Ann Med Res. 2015; 22(4): 274-275

The nutrition in the postoperative period

Mustafa Said Aydogan.

Cited by 0 Articles

The most critical period of the treatment process for patients undergoing surgery is the early postoperative care period. All ICU patients, especially those with sepsis, trauma and burns, have intense stress response caused by tissue inflammation and the central nervous system. With effective and adequate care provided during this period, it is possible to reduce complications to a minimum and prevent these problems from becoming life-threatening issues. Nutrition is a must to sustain life and ensure growth and development. Due to its beneficial effects on the intestinal mucosa and its functions and as an inexpensive method, enteral nutrition support has been preferred in recent years. It has been shown that the implementation of enteral nutrition during postoperative period shortens ICU stay and enables quicker recovery of gastrointestinal functions. In this article, by briefly assessing nutritional diet in the postoperative period, I aim to contribute to the practice of nutrition.

Key words: Nutrition, ICU, Enteral Nutrition.

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